Develop own personal and professional skills
1.1 Identify developmental needs of personal and professional skills.

I would like to explain how I develop own personal and professional skills. I would like to include development plan to show you how I track my professional development, how I monitor this. I review my development plan to keep track of my progress. I make the dates more realistic as some elements take a lot longer than a month. I would also like to show you some areas that I feel I cannot do as well some other aspects. I will also plan what I can do and how to use the plan to improve these - online/face to face tutorials, peer support etc. I wanted to include areas such as chunking text more effectively, conduct meetings with tutors challenging behaviour, little or masses of content, design strategies for eLearning: scenario and game based learning, further interpersonal skills, increasing proactivity, planning and delivering a training session, prioritising tasks, project planning, proof checking, spelling and grammar, time management, user testing of products, spelling and grammar, time management, user testing of products, using animation more effectively, using own initiative when working on your own and finding work when you are low on it. I think my main aim is to develop my skills, experience and expertise in that way that I meet job description criteria. Main objective of this post is to create engaging and interactive eLearning materials to meet the needs of tutors and their learners. I developed these skills gradually through having one to one meetings with my supervisor and agreeing what I need to achieve and learn. During one to one monthly meetings we made a plan what software I need to learn and how I need to develop in terms of my skills and experience. I agreed with my supervisor that I needed to improve on Captivate and learn more interactions, the same with Flash we both agreed that I needed to learn more Flash interactions and I developed these skills gradually. I also was looking proactively for work when there was no work available and asked level 4 to find work. I was not very good at animations before and I learnt Flash and Captivate interactions using you tube videos and attending available tutorials. I also learnt time management keeping skills and to organise my folders more effectively. I prioritised my work better by checking my calendar every day and planning what next steps I needed to take. I discussed this with my supervisor. I also arranged my folders neatly and deleted many not needed folders.
I would say in terms of my developmental needs, I would like to become more advanced in Flash. I am trying to learn now how to use animations in Flash. In my art two projects Mixing Colours and Piet Mondrian and Primary Colours, I used Flash to create spinning circle. In Captivate, I dragged and dropped two squares and requested learners to match squares inside the boxes and outside the boxes. In addition to that, I created to hoover the boxes so that students can hoover and find images. In addition to that in Mixing Colours, I asked learners to click on the text and that brought another text. I used also spinning circle. Furthermore, I am changing now Gypsy & Traveller Awareness Month project and I am adding animations to it. I am trying to use myself you tube to learn various animations and also I would like to learn more interactions in Captivate and Flash to make projects more interesting. I would like to learn more animation in Flash and Captivate. I use research on Internet and I try to learn it myself. I tried also for free trial for Flash. But most of the time I use you tube. I am working now on Gypsy & Traveller Awareness Month when I am adding more animations. DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO TRACK MY PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
I would like to show you how I developed my personal and professional skills and how I monitored it, improved it and kept track of my progress. I will show you first areas that I was not very good at and my plan to improve on these areas.
I was struggling with working with and support staff in using eLearning systems such as Moodle. I did not know Moodle at all and I was only using it to upload my Elearning Package. I was also expected to use Moodle to help teachers and students to fix technical problems if they could not access their course or if they needed to reset their password or embed video. I did not know how to do that.

I had meetings once a month with Scott, who tested my working knowledge of Moodle. We had discussion on 17/12/2015 and Scott asked me questions what to do when learner cannot access course page or how to insert video to Moodle or image or stream video. on 15/12/2015 I prepared myself for Moodle discussion using you tube and my working knowledge of Moodle. In that way I developed my personal and professional skills. I passed discussion on Moodle on 17/12/2015. Then I had review with Scott on 12/01/2016 and 12/02/2016 and he briefly asked me questions on how to enrol students on Bricklaying course or help them if their course page was down. I enrolled students on Bricklaying course and I helped few students over the telephone when staff was during meeting or was out of the office. In that way I have shown I know Moodle and I can help students with enrolling them on course, resetting passwords or general Moodle support. I developed my Moodle professional skills.
I developed at the same time interpersonal skills because I was dealing with variety of students who came to our room asking for help with enrolling on the course and telephone calls with answering phone calls to help with Moodle when staff was out of office or in a meeting. I adjusted my attitude and interaction with students to their age and individual style. I learnt people skills as I was developing them when I was dealing with people from different backgrounds.
I increased proactivity when I was helping students to enrol on various courses or when I took messages when manager was out. I was becoming more and more involved when I was helping others.
I was planning my time effectively. I was planning from the start to the end my time management. In December I planned my Moodle training, then I had discussion. Then in January and February I was proactive with helping students out.
Students were testing out Moodle and their course to see if they can use it.
I was using my own initiative when I was working with students helping them out with Moodle. I also was proactive when answering the phone when staff was out of the office or helping anybody who knocked to the door in the room when staff was out. I even went extra mile and I was trying to answer queries not specifically related to Moodle if I knew the answer. 1.2. Plan goals and activities to meet developmental needs.
Let just see how I plan goals and activities to meet developmental needs.
I wanted to demonstrate creativity and innovation in the use of new learning technologies that moves forward training design and delivery, as well as analysing alternative learning technologies and trends. Let me show you how I planned it to do this. I remember I was struggling with my Captivate interaction and Flash animation. Thanks to Brad support and Josh Flash tutorial lesson, I learnt how to do Flash animations and I applied it in my Animals project. I learnt how to rotate objects, move up and down images and I learnt how to implement this to my ELearning packages. In terms of moving towards Captivate interaction, I watched you tube tutorial interaction and I learnt how to move images, apply special effects and roll overs with image and text. I tend to explore how my colleagues design packages and I apply some of their ideas. I also develop my own skills and implement them into ELearning packages. I developed interaction and animation skills. I planned this by designing templates and planning ahead and structuring well my project plan. Previously I did not have any animation or interaction skills, I learnt it gradually and achieved it by exploring projects and assignments.
Let me show you how I analyse and scope learning aims and objectives and work with staff to create online engaging and interactive eLearning materials to meet client and curriculum needs. I plan together with my project co-ordinator and sketch plan in storyboard template to prepare plan ahead and we discuss what font, images and text I should be using for meet client expectations. In that way I develop my planning skills and goals.
Let me also show you how planning helped me to apply instructional design theory to create storyboards, scripts, learning content and assessment material for new eLearning, use current eLearning software, graphics, video, audio, animation, other multimedia to adapt eLearning materials for multiple formats and platforms, produce and maintain details and accurate key content and project documentation during the project lifecycle, arrange and attend client meetings to provide progress updates, adhere to best quality assurance procedures when designing eLearning materials, work with and support staff in using eLearning systems such as Moodle Turnitin, Planet eStream, ProMonitor, MyDay, reflect on own eLearning design practice and professional development, communicate and promote best use of digital content and blended learning with the College, maintain high standards of customer service through effective communication and timely response, identifying and dealing with client issues and queries, undertake all duties in line with Barnsley College Health and Safety policy, comply with and promote Barnsley College's equal opportunities policy in all aspects of their duties and responsibilities.
Planning is an essential part of activity for successful ELearning package. Without planning, your project would not be as good as you need for your client. I had constructive feedback meetings with my colleagues, which helped me to develop my Flash and Captivate interaction skills. I also developed my timing skills where I learnt how to do a bit of everything.
When I created eLearning packages when the phone rang I had to answer it and enrol students on the course. When I was designing project, I had few students who came and said to me that their Moodle page was down, I had to help them and enrol them again on the course. Or when manager was not in, I had to help and take message for them. In that way I planned and I prioritised work.
I also planned how to adjust eLearning packages for disabled students, how to create large and clear images and animations.
Before every project I created storyboard template where I sketched plan for the specific ELearning package. For example, I created storyboard Health and Safety template where I draw layout for the presentation. I also wrote in my plan what font, animation, images or graphics I will be using and what software I will be using. This helped me with planning and sketching plan for Health and Safety presentation. In that way I managed to plan ahead effectively my presentation.
I am planning by the end of December to become more Advanced in creating animations in Flash and also in Captivate. I think I will complete and learn this by the end of December. I am doing various projects and try to learn and do animations as much as I can. I already implemented the new animation in my Art Project Mixing Colours and Piet Mondrian and Primary Colours. I am planning by the end of January to become Advanced in Photoshop.
I am also planning during my projects to complete course in Flash Animation. This is excellent course where I can get certification at the end of this course. I think I will complete this course at the end of March 2016 as I have a lot of work now with my functional skills Maths and English to do. I did ask a lot of questions first when I started working as an apprentice and I asked a lot of questions Brad. Now I am developing independent working skills where I do research myself on you tube and I do not ask as much for help and work independently and do research mainly on you tube. I am planning to achieve independent working by the end of December. DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO TRACK MY PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTLet me show you how I plan goals and activities to meet developmental needs. I will pick up again one area that I was not very good at and show you how I planned to improve my skills and planned my goals to meet the requirements. I chose following area how to reflect on own eLearning design practice and professional development. I was struggling to use Captivate and Flash at the beginning back in October 2015 when I started working here. I was gradually learning how to use it and be more Advanced in using Flash and Captivate and include animations in my Elearning packages. I set up goals to meet developmental needs.
Let me show you how I monitored my progress in developing Flash and Captivate animations and how I implemented it in my ELearning packages. I will also show you how I planned to achieve using my Captivate Animations and Flash Animations in my Elearning packages to meet developmental needs. I monitored my progress by putting action plan where I put dates by which I will become more competent in using Flash and Captivate. I wrote dates in my calendar like by 15/01/2016 I wanted to become confident in using Flash and Captivate animations.
I had regular monthly meetings with my manager to check progress for my animations for Flash and Captivate. We scheduled together with my manager that by 12/11/2015 I will learn basics of Flash and Captivate, then by 12/12/2015 I will use Captivate and Flash Animations in my Elearning packages and then by 12/01/2016 I will be proficient in using Flash and Captivate Interactions.
I improved myself on using Captivate Animations and Flash Animations by exploring you tube videos and tutorials in December and I learnt how to use drag and drop, roll overs, interactive templates in Captivate and moving objects in Flash up and down in November 2015 and I was watching tutorials and mainly you tube. In December 2015 I did Health and Safety project where I used animated Health and Safety images. In my Mammals project I used moving mammals images which I created in Flash. As you can see I was using animations throughout my project. Later in January 2016 I used interactive Captivate templates for Health and Safety Construction.
I had monthly meetings with my managers to discuss progress of my ELearning packages and software and animations which I learnt. We discussed the goals which I was supposed to achieve and we planned for next month to meet developmental needs. I knew it will be challenging for me to achieve these goals. I updated about my progress to my managers and told them that I managed to achieve by November 2015 basics of Flash and Captivate. Later in December 2015 I used Captivate and Flash Animations in Health and Safety Project, Mammals projects and later in January I used Captivate templates in January 2016. I updated my managers about progress.
I designed strategies for Elearning packages. In my Health and Safety project I inserted moving Health and Safety signs, hazards and substances images. In my Mammals presentation I inserted moving images of various mammals and that made presentation more interactive. In my Health and Safety Construction project I used captivate pyramid, spinning circles and games scenarios. I think what really helped me is storyboard plan that I created. This has helped me to plan ahead project and put ideas in place. Sketching storyboard and planning its structure and design helped me to create very professional looking Health and Safety project, Mammals project and finally Health and Safety Construction Project. I developed my games skills by inputting interactive games for my Health and Safety Construction project. Storyboard planning that was the main strategy I used for planning my Elearning packages.
I developed interpersonal skills when I created my Health and Safety presentation back in December as I communicated effectively with project coordinator and we had discussion who will share various work and how we will do it. My colleague did information slides and I created quiz slide for Health and Safety. We also had discussion about design template and my colleague prepared design template. Later we sketched in PowerPoint storyboard plan for our Health and Safety project. I developed interpersonal skills by discussing various topics with coordinator and work colleague and people skills and more effective communication skills.

I increased my proactivity by engaging with colleagues and coordinators level 4 about my projects. I discussed for my Health and Safety Construction storyboard plan and we tried to plan ahead our work for Health and Safety Construction by creating storyboard plan. I increased proactivity all the time as I was discussing with my work colleague what slides we will do for Health and Safety Construction back in January 2016. I discussed with my coordinator what storyboard plan I need to prepare. I exchanged views with my colleague about preparing design for Health and Safety Construction.
I planned by Health and Safety Construction Project by creating as storyboard. This helped me to achieve main points for amending my Health and Safety Construction project and creating it for more professional outcome. I started Health and Safety Construction project in January. I am still working on my Health and Safety storyboard plan in PowerPoint where I put step by step all captivate interactions I am including, quizzes and step by step I include all games, pyramids and spinning circles for my presentation. Its main goal is to plan my Health and Safety Construction Project and make it look professional and outstanding.
I checked my project before I published it. Best example is Health and Safety I did in December. I did proof checking for my Health and Safety project. I checked project and its text, structure and layout before I published it and made all proof checking.
I checked all spelling and grammar in my Health and Safety project before I published it. I used F7 to check grammar and spelling. I also copied and pasted all text to Word and any spelling mistakes were highlighted in Word on red. I checked it and corrected any spelling mistakes. I also used to check for any spelling and grammar mistakes. Any grammar and spelling mistakes highlighted in red, I improved them.
I learnt how to manage my time more effectively and accurately. I have been using calendar to help me out. Let me show you example of my Health and Safety project. Deadline for Health and Safety project was 16/12/2015. I had to plan effectively my time to meet this deadline. I was given project in November 2015. I quickly organised my time in my outlook calendar and I entered dates by which I had to complete my Health and Safety project. I wrote in my calendar that by 29/11/2015 I had to complete my Health and Safety storyboard plan. I sketched short plan in my PowerPoint deciding how I will structure, layout and organise my Health and Safety project. Then by 12/12/2015 I wrote in my calendar that I had to complete my Health and Safety project. On 12/12/2015 I discussed my project with main coordinator and made amendments to Health and Safety project. On 16/12/2015 project was forwarded to the tutor. I managed my time effectively to meet all the deadlines.
I have been testing my animations I inserted in my Health and Safety project. They all worked correctly in my Health and Safety project.
I used animations more effectively in my recent Health and Safety Construction project. I showed that I can use effectively captivate template interactions like spinning circle, pyramid, drag and drop, games. I planned ahead each slide and what interaction I will be using through my storyboard planning. I sketched in PowerPoint plan for my Health and Safety Construction. Thanks to planning, I used animation more effectively and I planned ahead in my storyboard which animation I will include and where exactly I will include. Thanks to planning in storyboard, I prepared accurate Health and Safety Project and inserted correct animations in correct place.
I was quite low with work and there was no work available in my room as level 4 did not have any work to do for me back in January. I used my own initiative and I went next door and I asked if any work needs doing. I have been advised by Brad level 4 that he needed me to improve Gypsy & Traveller Awareness Month project. I had to improve the template, layout and design and made few changes to images and design template. As you can see, there was no work available and I found work thanks to using my own initiative. I was happy with the fact that I improved my Gypsy & Traveller Awareness Project and that I found work. I was proactive and found work.
I was checking my Health and Safety Construction project recently and I found that it was too long. I also received constructive feedback from my work colleagues. I decided to chunk the text more effectively. I made text much shorter and got rid of 20 slides. My original project was 55 pages long. I realised it was too long. I had to make it shorter. I managed to merge two pages into one and cut out a lot of text. I planned it and rearranged it more effectively. I also checked grammar, spelling and structure of my project. I rearranged the structure and layout. I sketched Health and Safety Construction storyboard plan, which helped me to organise it more effectively and chunk text more effectively. I planned my project in storyboard and arranged again my structure and layout.
1.3 Reflect on development activities and feedback from others.
I found constructive feedback very useful as I learnt a lot from it and implemented changes to my work. We meet once a month and we review our work in the team and we sit near the table and we discuss our project and colleagues can see my project and others project on the board. In my Gypsy & Traveller Awareness Month I was advised to make it more interactive and I already started on adding more animation to it. Furthermore, I was advised to remove foreign images and put UK ones. I implemented changes and I am still working on it and I am adding more animation. I also removed my foreign images and inserted more education images suitable for learners and added one image of spinning circle. I am still working on it and I will add more interactive images. I also received constructive feedback on two projects Mixing Colours and also Piet Mondrian and Primary Colours. My colleagues suggested to make blank boxes and in that way learners can match colours themselves during my presentation. There was also a problem with the timeline. I also adjusted timeline so that learners can see the timeline as even timeline. Feedback helped me to learn new skills. I also added new topic about colours and their meanings. I found it useful as I developed new skills that way. 1.4. Evaluate personal and professional skills and abilities.
I wanted to refer myself to personal job description and detail the Essential and Desirable criteria required for the post. In that way I wanted to evaluate my personal and professional skills and abilities for the role.
Examples Measured by
Education and Training
Formal qualifications and relevant training
1. Level 2 (or equivalent) in a relevant area
1. Specialist IT / Design qualification
Application Form / CV
Documentary Evidence
Work Experience
Ability to undertake duties of the post
1. A proven track record of using Information technology systems.
1. Working knowledge of using adobe creative suite / Microsoft office tools, web based applications
Application Form / CV
Interview /Discussion
Skills and Knowledge
Includes abilities and intellect
1. At least 1 years relevant experience including working with IT systems, web based systems e.g. you tube etc.
1. Desire to work with academic departments and to develop web 2.0 applications for various subject and interfaces.
Application Form / CV
Interview /Discussion
Personal Qualities
Includes any specific physical requirements of the post – (subject to the provisions of the DDA Act)
1. Excellent verbal and written communication skills
2. Excellent problem solving skills
3. Self-motivated, prioritisation, time management and customer service skills
4. Ability to work independently and as part of a creative team
5. Attention to detail
6. Ability to maintain Continuous Professional Development
1. Project planning and management experience
2. Ability to train individuals
Application Form / CV
I would say that I am still studying towards my Maths Functional Skills Level 2 qualifications and towards my English Level 2 qualifications. My work experience is slightly varied for Elearning Designer job.I used Information Technology systems in my previous self employed jobs so my background is a bit different. I had over few years experience in running my own consultancy business on self employed basis and I created my own website using mainly in house software. Furthermore, I used basic Microsoft Office Suite like Word, Excel, PowerPoint for income and expenditure budgeting and I used Creative in house website software to create my own website and logos and business cards. I did also designed in the past simple websites using again in house software for few clients.I would also want to mention about my skills and knowledge. I had few years relevant experience in designing few websites for my private clients. I used to also work in KnowHow IT contact centre department where we dealt with chasing laptops and general computer repairs. Overall, I have desire to work with academic departments and to develop web 2.0. applications for various subjects and interfaces. I have learnt so much since I joined Elephants Learning Designs at Barnsley College. I learnt how to use Captivate, Flash and Photoshop software. Furthermore, I developed my instructional designer skills and became more proficient in being creative. I learnt myself using you tube Captivate interaction and Flash animation, which makes learners more interested in using ELearning packages. I am able now to use and create confidently ELearning packages for learners. I designed for learners ELearning packages like Health and Safety, Gypsy and Travellers, The Art, Animals and many other interactive quizzes where learners answer questions, use drag and drop facility and roll overs. In my career, I would work towards Instructional Designer and would further develop my Flash and Captivate animation skills. Let me tell you about personal qualities, which I developed for Instructional Designer role. I learn mainly best through visual and interactive materials. I think learners also find it more interesting to learn much quicker through looking at interactive materials and absorb knowledge better.In terms of personal qualities like excellent verbal and written communication skills, I possess years of customer service experience assisted together with good spoken and written skills. I communicate effectively with my work colleagues and work together as a part of team to achieve specific project. Furthermore, I already possessed these skills before I started working as an apprentice working many years for limited large companies as customer service advisor. It is crucial and essential in today's competitive Graphic Designer industry to possess excellent problem solving skills, self-motivated, prioritisation, time management, customer service skills, ability to work independently and as a part of a creative team, attention to detail and ability to maintain continuous professional development.I would confirm that I possess above qualities in today's highly desirable ELearning Digital Industry. When I come to work, I check my calendar and check any scheduled important meetings. Furthermore, I always prioritise workload. I do my work on Friday for my coursework, then on Monday I attend English classes, on Wednesday ICT and on Thursday Maths. During the week I create Elearning packages for learners like interactive and animated short quizzes or presentations. I develop creativity skills every day by creating ELearning packages like Health and Safety, Gypsy and Traveller, The Art or Animals. I always prioritise my one to one meetings and team meetings. I work independently when I create Elearning packages. I put creative ideas into practice, search for appropriate images for the Elearning package and design template and plan across my projects. I also have constructive feedback meetings with my peers where we discuss what I need to improve on my projects and what to change. I have years of customer service experience and I help to answer the phone and answer any related queries to Moodle when manager or technician is not in the office or during meeting. I evaluate my personal skills and abilities and I think I improved a lot. I come here with almost zero skills in terms of Captivate and very beginners for Photoshop and zero skills in Flash. I developed myself within a month and learnt basics of Photoshop. I also learnt how to do the spinning circle in Flash. Furthermore, I learnt how to use animation in Captivate. I used drag and drop techniques so that learners can match colours from outside the box to inside the box using drag and drop technique in Mixing Colours and Piet Mondrian and Primary Colours. Furthermore, I mastered basic knowledge of inserting images and animation. I would say I am very happy I managed to learn everything in such a short time. Now my main goal is to learn Flash and Animation more. I am in the process of achieving this and I think I am moving towards that direction. DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO TRACK MY PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTFinally, I would like to evaluate my personal and professional skills and abilities. Let me show you how I did that. I will pick up area in which I am not very good at and I am trying to improve. I was not very good at applying instructional design theory to create storyboards, scripts, learning content and assessment material for new eLearning. I remember in November I did not prepare any storyboards for my new eLearning projects and I was not sure how to do this.
I decided to monitor my progress and plan it ahead. I prepared my Health and Safety project. I created my Health and Safety storyboard. It was my first planning. Coordinator sent me template for storyboard. I was monitoring my progress. I put daily in calendar dates when I should have completed my storyboard planning. I put deadline for 23/02/2016. I checked every day my progress.
I regularly discussed with my project coordinator progress of my Health and Safety project. Deadline for Health and Safety was 16/12/2015. I discussed once a week with my project coordinator progress of my Health and Safety project.
As mentioned before, I was not very good at applying instructional design theory to create storyboards, scripts, learning content and assessment material for new eLearning. I improved on my storyboarding planning skills. I started preparing storyboard plan for each project since December 2015. I prepared storyboard plan for my current Health and Safety Construction project. I also prepared storyboard plan for my previous projects like Health and Safety and Mammals. I also received feedback from project coordinator and my peers about my storyboard and I took it on board and improved it and took their feedback and improved my storyboard. In Health and Safety construction I was told that my Health and Safety Construction storyboard was very messy and hard to read in Photoshop. My colleagues said I would be better off to insert shapes and text in PowerPoint and it will look neater. I did that and my storyboard looks much better now. Thanks to storyboard planning, my presentations look much neater and more professional. Good planning is a key to success to your storyboard.
I had monthly meetings with my project coordinators and I discussed on my monthly meetings my progress with my storyboard planning. They told me if storyboard needed changes, I input these changes. Like with my Health and Safety Construction storyboard planning I got constructive feedback from peers that drawing in Photoshop was too time-consuming and hard to read, that is why I amended it and I inserted shapes and text in PowerPoint. It was much neater and easier to read.
I designed strategies for my Health and Safety Construction storyboard. I used PowerPoint design, Elephants Learning Designs template and I inserted shapes and text there. I structured layout and structure on each slide. I included animations like pyramids, roll overs, drag and drop and spinning circles and games and I included design template for Health and Safety Construction.
I developed interpersonal skills because I liaised with project coordinator and work colleague when I did my Health and Safety Construction Project. I discussed with my project coordinator tasks and shared work with my colleague. I did 25 pages and my work colleague did another 25 pages. I developed interpersonal skills because I listened to what I needed to do, exchanged ideas and accepted constructive feedback.
I was proactive when I did my Health and Safety project because I discussed requirements with project coordinator and my work colleagues. I was developing good people and communication skills as I communicated with people at all levels peers and managers and discussed requirements, progress and update for Health and Safety project from start to finish.
I did my storyboard plan for my Health and Safety Construction. Thanks to planning each slide and describing what animation I included and what design, template I was using and how I did that and what type of slide it was quiz, animation like roll over, drag drop, game pyramid, quiz etc. Thanks to good planning I created professional project and also met deadline required for Health and Safety Construction and it was less time consuming.
I checked thoroughly my Health and Safety Construction project for any mistakes.
I checked my Health and Safety Construction Project for any spelling mistakes and grammar structure. I pasted into Word my entire project and any red underlined errors, I changed and corrected spelling mistakes. I also used I checked for general layout and structure for the sentence.
I was using time management skills to plan my Health and Safety Project. Deadline was as soon as possible. That is why I quickly completed storyboard planning for it as this really helped me to cut out on time and helped me to put animations into practice. I used quickly effective layout and design techniques. Deadline was as soon as possible. Every day I was monitoring my progress in my calendar and put myself time deadline for storyboard planning. I achieved deadline for storyboard planning for 21/02/2016
I was using test products when I prepared storyboard planning for Health and Safety Construction. I included design of my project and logo and tab and next button. Later I tested it in captivate and design was perfect.
In my Health and Safety Construction Project I used animations more effectively thanks to storyboard planning. In my Health and Safety Construction storyboard I included on each slide type of slide like quiz, information or animation and I showed what template I used and what design I used, what images I used and what interaction I used. Thanks to storyboard planning, I was able to manage my animations more effectively later on the project itself. I sketched in PowerPoint on my storyboard what interactions I used like roll overs, drag and drop, pyramid, moving slide, game etc...
I was very low on work and there was no work available. I asked level 4 colleagues if there was work available and they said no. Then I asked level 4 colleagues in another room if there was any work available and they said no. Later level 4 colleague advised that there is Health and Safety Construction project and another colleague needed help with that. We sat together and I offered to do 25 pages of the project. I was proactive and showed my own initiative that I was looking for work proactively and I found work as it was not easy at first.
I chunked text more effectively in my Health and Safety Construction Project storyboard plan. I was told that my project storyboard in Photoshop was too long and difficult to read and too time consuming. This is constructive feedback I received from my peers. I decided quickly to change it and I inserted shapes and text in PowerPoint. This proved to be more neat and less time consuming. This is how I amended my Health and Safety Construction storyboard plan.
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